Hertonäs Manor's Blog

In this blog the curator and other employees of Hertonäs Manor Museum publish texts about the history of the museum, the history of Herttoniemi and other things we do. Welcome to follow us and read more in our blog!


Museums more Popular than Ever!

In the paper Hufvudstadsbladet today is an article that claims that the number of visitors in the biggest Finnish museums is rising. The Museum Card has become as common as a library card. In Herttoniemi Manor Museum we also doubled our amount of paying visitors last year from about 300 to 600. And many more participated in our free events such as Helsinki Day and Christmas Path. Read more below.Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
09.02.2020 hrs 13:49

From Creating a Glorious Image to a Green Oasis - a Few Remarks on Garden History in Herttoniemi

The Barock park and the English park next to Herttoniemi Manor form landmarks and a green oasis in an urban environment constantly growing. The parks are open to the public and a popular place to visit and have a stroll. Nowadays the parks are a part of Herttoniemi Manor Museum and the Park Departement in Helsinki City takes care of them. The history of the parks goes back to the 18th Century. Read more below. Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
21.01.2020 hrs 08:29

Welcome 2020 - but first a look at 2019!

This is the first of Herttoniemi Manor Museum's blogentries, but hopefully not the last. With this we would like to welcome a new decade and celebrate the fact that the museum soon has existed for 100 years. But last year, 2019, was a productive one and it is time for a short look back.Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
10.01.2020 hrs 13:55