Hertonäs Manor's Blog

In this blog the curator and other employees of Hertonäs Manor Museum publish texts about the history of the museum, the history of Herttoniemi and other things we do. Welcome to follow us and read more in our blog!


The Bright Future is… both Analogous and Digital?

The year 2021 has started with restrictions due to covid-19, but in the field of museums one has started to view the future with optimism none the less. The museums have learnt to be more digital during the past year, but events in situ are also on the menu if all goes well. A museum exists through its collections, but it also belongs to the local community that asks questions about its past that the museums try to answer. Read more about our plans at Hertonäs Manor Museum in 2021 below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
25.01.2021 hrs 16:07

Digital Steps due to the Pandemic in 2020

The year 2020 was the weirdest one yet in this century. The treath of a new pandemic had been hovering over us for a while already and now it became a fact: Covid-19 has had the world on its knees, not the least the restaurants and cultural institutions. Hertonäs Manor Museum has still managed to be busy and faced the difficulties. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
09.01.2021 hrs 16:11

Helena Gripenberg’s Youth - from a Finnish Pupil at the Smolna Institute to the Lady of Hertonäs Manor

One of the most interesting people who have lived at Hertonäs Manor must be Helene Gustava Bergbom, née Gripenberg (1851-1932). She was the last lady of Hertonäs Manor, a highly educated, musically talented, cosmopolitan lady that was fluent in four languages. Later on she married John Bergbom and became his wife at Hertonäs Manor. Read more below! Read more »
Daniela Fougstedt
06.12.2020 hrs 12:55

Helene Gripenberg - from Lady of the Manor to Donor

Helene Gripenberg (1851-1932) was one of the ladies of Hertonäs Manor who lived here the longest. She was born in Oulu, graduated from the Smola Institute in St. Petersburg, studied music in Dresden before becoming a piano teacher until she settled in Herttoniemi. She lived a long life, became 81 years old, and before the Civil War she had to witness the murder of her husband. She donated Hertonäs Manor in her will to its present owner, the society Svenska Odlingens Vänner i Helsinge r.f. Read more below!Read more »
Daniela Fougstedt
19.11.2020 hrs 12:58

All Saint's in Good Company!

Last weekend we celebrated All Saint's Day at the museum. Sunday 1st was also the last day this year that the museum was open to the public. To highlight this we arranged a smallscale event at Knusbacka and in the park. Read more below!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
04.11.2020 hrs 13:11

Hertonäs Manor Museum’s Tea – a Unique Blend to Taste on a Cold Night!

Last spring Hertonäs Manor Museum decided to get its own unique teablend. Vantaa-Seura had recently done this and could recommend it for us as well. The result was – very tasty! The tea is on sale at the museum. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
18.10.2020 hrs 13:13

Carrotcake, Cajsa Warg’s Cookbook and Hertonäs Manor

The lady of Hertonäs Manor, Beata Sofia Wrangel, kept accounts about her spending in the 1820’s, The books are in the archives and giv eus a possibility to find out what they ate and consumed at the manor in this time. Possibly Beata Sofia also knew Cajsa Warg’s recipes that had become very popular after the time she published a cookbook in the 18th century. Maybe they also ate Warg’s carrotcake at Hertonäs Manor? Read more below! Read more »
Ted Hellsten
26.09.2020 hrs 13:15

Harvest Festival in the Sunlight in 2020

Last Sunday Hertonäs Manor Museum arranged a festival with various programs with harvest theme at Knusbacka farmstead. We had a lot of fun and the weather was very nice this time. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
15.09.2020 hrs 13:18

Night of the Animals at Hertonäs Manor Thu 20th Aug. 2020

This year the Night of the Arts in Helsinki was cancelled due to the covid19 situation. At the museum we decided to arrange ”Night of the Animals” instead and keep it mostly outdoors. We launched our first eMuseo path aswell. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
22.08.2020 hrs 13:20

The Men behind the façades of Hertonäs Manor

The buildnings erected on Hertonäs manor in the 19th century are designed by two wellknown architects: Pehr Granstedt and Carl Ludvig Engel. Who were these men and what other famous buildnings have they planned? Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
01.08.2020 hrs 13:22

Neoclasscism - also visible in Hertonäs Manor

Neoclassicism was a style inspired by the Antique era and used history. It was a reaction against the Rococó in the 18th C. The style arrived to Sweden in the late 18th C. In Hertonäs Manor the style is represented both in architecture and the collections. Read more below!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
26.07.2020 hrs 14:57

A Museum to Thrive in – Hertonäs Manor Museum as an Employer

A museum is not merely a building filled with old stuff – a museum is also defined by its workers that engage themselves in museal pedagogy and meet the public. In this bloggpost we will present ourselves. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
16.06.2020 hrs 13:29

Covid-19 and Security at our Museum

Dear friends, Hertonäs Manor Museum is open again since Sunday 7th June and will be open on Sundays until 1.11.2020. Covid-19 is still making som restraints in praxis at the museum and we will actively work for you to be able to visit us safely. This will mean that some changes and solutions will be made. Read more below!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
09.06.2020 hrs 13:31

Knusbacka Farmstead – a Lesser Known Part of Hertonäs Manor Museum

What are the old buildnings that hide befind a fence north of Hertonäs Manor’s buildnings? Meet Knusbacka farmstead that originates from Box in Sipoo, and was transferred here in the 1920s. In the same decade entologist Arne Appelgren started collecting peasant obejcts to be displayed at the museum. Some of them remain in Knusbacka to this date, but are originally from Eastern Uusimaa. Read more below!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
25.05.2020 hrs 13:32

Hertonäs Manor – from Factory to Landmark

Today is the international day of the museums. To celebrate we will present the history of the main buildning of Hertonäs Manor built in neoclassical style. Nowadays it forms a popular landmark in Herttoniemi. But it is not well known that this building in question at first worked as a fajance factory in the 18th C. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
18.05.2020 hrs 13:36

Hertonäs gårds museum blir mer digitalt år 2020

Vi lever i exceptionella tider och det ställer krav på oss att göra förändringar och förnyelser. Även Hertonäs gårds museum kommer att satsa mer på digitalt material i år. Ett steg i denna riktning var redan att grunda denna blogg. Vi kommer också att öka vår synlighet på webben i år på andra vis. Läs mer nedan!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
20.04.2020 hrs 13:34

In Memory of Carl Olof Cronstedt

Hertonäs Manor was owned by admiral Carl Olof Cronstedt (1756–1820) during the 1790s and again from 1813 onwards. Today we mark the 200th anniversary of his passing in Hertonäs 7th April 1820. In our book historian Sigbritt Backman writes about his last moments and about his mausoleum that was built next to the church St. Laurentius in present day Vantaa. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
07.04.2020 hrs 13:38

Herttoniemi Manor in the Movies

Herttoniemi Manor’s area has been the scene of many movies and films during the 20th C. The manor was a good scene since it was situated near the capitol and all the studios, and it could form the scene of various social settings: both manor and farmstead. Read more below!Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
27.03.2020 hrs 13:42

Hedvig Charlotta Cronstedt – One of our Ladies at Herttoniemi Manor

During last year we have developed a special tour at the museum, which concerns historical women. The tour has been developed in a group consisting of three guides, the head guide and the curator. To celebrate the International Women’s Day we will focus on one of the ladies in the history of Herttoniemi Manor Museum – this time Hedvig Charlotta Cronstedt, or ”Hedda”, who lived during the time when Finland became part of the Russian Realm after having been a part of Sweden. Read more below! Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
08.03.2020 hrs 13:45

Prehistory in Herttoniemi

In the vicinity of Herttoniemi Manor lies a few cairns from the Bornze Age. A magnificent view over the sea opens from them. Read more below.Read more »
Eva Ahl-Waris
21.02.2020 hrs 13:46